40 Years Ago
( An occasional reminiscence on the events of 1968 ) ( See the posts in chronological order ) A few days after the election, as the reality of Nixon's election sunk in, Washington Post cartoonist Herb Block ran his 'free shave' cartoon: it depicted his studio, with a barber pole outside a window, and a sign on the wall: " This shop gives to every new president of the United States a free shave. H. Block, proprietor. " A shaving mug and brush stood on the desk next to post of pens and bottles of ink. (For those who don't remember, Herblock's depictions of Nixon had long featured a thuggish dark-bearded character. During the campaign, Post editor Russ Wiggins had sent Block a razor with a poem asking 'Give that man a shave'. Block's response: " He's shaved with new Gillettes 'n' Shicks 'n' Still he is the same old Nix'n. ") One happy result of the election: Shirley Chisholm of New York was elected to Congress, th...